Dr. Suruchi Puri

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As seasons change, so does your skin. Each season brings its own set of challenges for maintaining healthy and glowing skin. Whether it’s the scorching heat of summer or the cold, dry air of winter, our skin reacts differently to each weather condition. Understanding how to adjust your skincare routine accordingly is crucial for maintaining its vitality year-round. Being a dermatologist in Janakpuri, Delhi, we have witnessed numerous cases of seasonal skin changes and helped many patients manage them effectively.

In this blog, we will share essential tips and insights on how to manage your skin through seasonal changes, ensuring it stays healthy no matter the weather. Let’s dive into the specifics.

The Impact of Seasonal Changes on Skin

Our skin reacts to environmental factors like humidity, UV exposure, and temperature. These factors change with the seasons, and without the proper care, they can lead to various skin issues like dryness, oiliness, irritation, and breakouts. Understanding how your skin changes with each season can help you create a skincare regimen that addresses its needs year-round.

Summer: Tackling Heat and Humidity

The summer months in Delhi can be especially harsh due to intense heat and humidity. Many patients come to me complaining of issues like excessive oiliness, breakouts, sunburns, and tanning during this time. As a skin specialist in Janakpuri, here are our recommendations for summer skincare:

  • Use Lightweight, Non-Greasy Products: Opt for lightweight moisturizers and gels that won’t clog your pores or add extra oil to your skin. Products with ingredients like aloe vera, cucumber, and tea tree oil can keep your skin hydrated without making it oily.
  • Sunscreen Is Non-Negotiable: A broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher is essential. Apply it 20 minutes before sun exposure and reapply every 2 hours if you’re outside. Look for sunscreens that are oil-free to avoid breakouts.
  • Exfoliation Is Key: Gently exfoliating 2-3 times a week can help remove the dead skin cells that accumulate due to excess sweat and oil. Avoid using harsh scrubs as they can irritate the skin.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to maintain the moisture balance of your skin and keep it from looking dull or fatigued.

Monsoon: Dealing With Humidity and Breakouts

During the monsoon season, high humidity can lead to an increase in oil production, which often causes clogged pores and acne breakouts. Moreover, fungal infections also become more common due to damp weather. As the best dermatologist in West Delhi, we recommend the following:

  • Use Antifungal Products: To prevent fungal infections, especially in areas prone to sweat, use antifungal powders or sprays.
  • Keep Your Skin Dry: Ensure you dry off completely after getting wet in the rain, and use products that control oil, such as oil-free cleansers.
  • Opt for Water-Based Products: Creamy or oil-based products can aggravate acne. Instead, choose water-based or gel-based skincare products during the monsoon season to prevent greasiness.
  • Avoid Heavy Makeup: Heavy foundations and makeup can trap moisture and bacteria, leading to breakouts. Stick to light makeup or skip it altogether on particularly humid days.

Winter: Combatting Dryness and Sensitivity

The cold, dry air in Delhi can cause flaky, dry skin. Many patients visit our clinic with concerns about dullness, irritation, and cracks in their skin during the colder months. As a skin specialist in Delhi, our winter skincare tips include:

  • Moisturize Generously: A thick, hydrating moisturizer is crucial during winter. Look for products containing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, or ceramides, which lock in moisture and keep your skin soft.
  • Use a Humidifier: Indoor heating can make the air inside your home or office dry, further aggravating skin conditions. A humidifier helps maintain moisture in the air, preventing your skin from becoming overly dry.
  • Choose Gentle Cleansers: Harsh cleansers can extract the natural oil of your skin. Switch to a gentle, hydrating cleanser during the winter months to maintain the skin’s moisture balance.
  • Don’t Forget Sunscreen: Even though it’s cold, the sun’s UV rays can still damage your skin. Continue to apply sunscreen daily, especially when you’re outdoors.

Spring: Addressing Allergies and Skin Irritation

Spring in Delhi can be a beautiful season, but it also brings pollen and other allergens, leading to skin irritations like rashes and itching. Here’s what I, as a dermatologist in Janakpuri, advise our patients:

  • Combat Allergens with Anti-Allergic Products: Use products designed to reduce skin sensitivity and avoid allergens like pollen. You can also consult your dermatologist for a mild antihistamine if allergies are a problem.
  • Cleanse Regularly: Allergens like dust and pollen can accumulate on your skin. Cleanse your skin twice daily to remove these irritants and prevent rashes.
  • Hydrate and Soothe: If your skin gets irritated or itchy, use a soothing cream with ingredients like chamomile or calendula to calm inflammation.

Customizing Your Skincare Routine

As each person’s skin is unique, it’s important to customize your skincare routine to match your skin type, age, and specific concerns. Whether you’re dealing with oily skin in the summer or dry skin in the winter, consulting a skin doctor in Janakpuri will help you develop a personalized skincare plan that caters to your needs.

Essential Products for Seasonal Skincare

  • Cleansers: Choose cleansers that suit your skin’s changing needs. Always choose oil-control cleansers in summer and hydrating ones in winter.
  • Moisturizers: Use lightweight gels during hot, humid months and thick creams during the colder months.
  • Sunscreen: Apply sunscreen all year round, even on cloudy or winter days.
  • Exfoliators: Gently exfoliate 2-3 times a week to keep your skin smooth.
  • Toners and Serums: Incorporate hydrating toners and serums into your daily routine for added moisture during dry seasons.



Maintaining healthy skin throughout the year requires being mindful of seasonal changes and adapting your skincare routine accordingly. From protecting your skin against the harsh sun in summer to combating dryness in winter, a good skincare routine will keep your skin glowing and problem-free. If you’re struggling with seasonal skin changes, we highly recommend seeking advice from a dermatologist in Janakpuri Delhi to get expert guidance tailored to your skin’s needs.

By following these simple yet effective tips, you can ensure that your skin remains healthy, hydrated, and glowing all year long.

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