Dr. Suruchi Puri

Stretch Marks Treatment in delhi

Stretch Marks Treatment in delhi

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Stretch Marks Removal in Delhi

“Striae” is a general term which refers mostly to narrow, thin grooves or channels, may be thin line or band which are mostly parallel to each other.

Stretch marks are actually the scars in the skin which are caused by selective loss of dermis and repair in the skin layer which have different colour, texture and hue as compare to the surrounding skin.They are formed due to rapid change in weight or growth as in puberty, hormonal therapy, body building, pregnancy etc. They are formed due to selective tearing of skin dermis layer.


Stretch marks is estimated to be experienced by most of the females who have given birth to young ones. They may also be seen in teenage males or females because of growth spurts and rapid increase in the gait and body structures. The irregularities which are caused due to tear and repair in dermis and intact epidermis results in presentation as stretch marks. The changes and presentation as stretch marks are mostly permanent and respond very less to treatment and also don’t tend to improve with time . Areas mostly which harbour stretch marks are abdomen, thighs, upper arms & buttocks. Sooner the treatment is started, better are the results. The STRETCH MARKS REMOVAL COST IN DELHI depends on the depth of the marks in the dermis and the extent. The colour and width of stretch marks also determine the COST OF STRETCH MARK REMOVAL. Fractional Carbon dioxide laser is a preferred treatment laser for LASER STRETCH MARKS REMOVAL IN DELHI. Fractional laser makes micro punches/punctures on the skin in grid form which then stimulates the underlying collagen. Improvement may be seen in 4-8 treatment session which is normally done at the interval of 1-2 months apart. A topical lidocaine cream may be applied if higher fluence is used with LASER TREATMENT OF STRETCH MARKS. Radiofrequency along with ultrasound waves can also be combined along with fractional laser to potentiate the results of treatment of stretch marks.


Various treatment modalities are used in improving the appearance of stretch marks like lasers, retionoids, ointments, dermaabrasion. Options like tummy tuck, Radiofrequency are also done.

A new treatment modality of using Rf excited fractional laser with light therapy as shown promising results. The area is treated at selective depth and width with desired fluence for optimal results.Multiple sittings are needed to get desired results.Its difficult to erase stretch marks completely but texture and colour improvement can be definitely achieved.Fractional lasers for multiple sittings with other treatment modalities are advised.


Ans. Scars form as part of skin’s natural healing process whenever multiple layers of skin are injured. The injury may be the result of an accident, surgery, burns or even severe acne.

Ans. There are basically three types of scars: Atrophic, Hypertrophic and Keloidal. …
1. Atrophic Scarring is depressed pin-like pockets in the skin that can result from skin conditions such as acne and chickenpox. Other presentation of atrophic scars is in the form of stretch marks or striae, the exact cause of which is unknown. It is however thought that stretch marks or striae are often due to excessive stretching of the skin associated with rapid growth (common in puberty) or rapid weight gain (e.g. pregnancy, muscle building, or rapid gain of fat). …
2. Hypertrophic Scarring is firm, raised and pink scars that remain within the initial wound area and may fade over time. It is seen most commonly secondary to some injury or following surgery and are seen typically within six months of initial insult to the skin.
3. Keloidal Scarring is firm, raised and reddish-purple scars that extend beyond the initial wound area and can increase in size with time. These scars are the most distressing to the patient in terms of itching, pain and unsightly surface. They are commonly seen in extensive burns and in individuals who have keloidal tendency and hereditary predisposition.

Ans. Yes, ablative pixel Erbium YAG laser is the best bet in terms of safety and efficacy on Indian skin. The biggest advantage of Laser treatment is the speed with which the results are achieved. Most patients notice improvement after the very first sitting.

Ans. No serious side-effects or complications are noted post-treatment, however some patients may get redness and inflammation over the treated area which is self-limiting and settles overnight. Ice compresses may be applied to the treatment areas to speed up recovery and to make you more comfortable.

Ans. Scar revision requires 3 to 5 sittings while stretch mark reduction requires 6 to 8 sittings.

Ans. The procedure feels like snapping of rubberband and usually tolerated well by most of the patients. But for sensitive individuals and at higher fluence levels, topical anesthesia with mixture of lidocaine and prilocaine for 60 minutes prior to the procedure may be needed. As an alternative, cold air or ice may be used to minimize discomfort.

Focus keyphrase: stretch mark removal in Delhi, stretch mark removal cost in Delhi, best treatment for stretch marks in Delhi, best clinic for stretch marks removal in Delhi
SEO title: Stretch Marks Treatment & Reduction in Delhi
Slug: stretch-marks-treatment
Meta description: The renowned dermatologist in Janakpuri, Dr. Suruchi Puri performed the preferred treatment laser for laser stretch marks removal in Delhi. Stretch marks are estimated to be experienced by most of the females who have given birth to young ones.

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