Dr. Suruchi Puri

Baldness Treatment by The Best Hair Doctor in Delhi

Baldness Treatment by The Best Hair Doctor in Delhi

There are numerous factors of hair loss on scalp, in men and women. Research has revealed that shedding up to 100-150 hairs a day is typical. But if its count is more on daily basis , then you need to Consult the Best Hair Doctor in Delhi without any delay as it can lead to baldness

Human hair normally develops in three levels: anagen, catagen, and telogen. Anagen is the energetic or developing stage. Catagen is a rather brief stage regarding the normal hair pattern during which hair start to break down. Telogen is the resting stage. The hair which are shed every day are frequently within the resting or later phase/stage within the hair cycle. Generally, about 10% of the hair on the scalp has been in the resting or telogen stage at any time. These hairs are maybe not developing and are usually getting ready for cyclical shedding.

Particularly, a number of health disorders, including thyroid gland condition and iron deficiency anemia, can trigger hair loss. Thyroid blood tests and various other hormone laboratory tests, including a Complete Blood Count (CBC), are crucial to exclude underlying reasons in abrupt or extreme hair loss.

Generally men/women, who have hair loss problem, try to hide it behind a new hairstyle, scarves or hats. However, it is better to start treatment before the condition gets worse. Hair loss cannot just affect the hair on your scalp, but it can affect your body hair as well. Many of such cases are due to the patient’s genetic makeup or any medical condition. Sometimes hair loss can be due to your body’s reaction to specific medications as well.

Hair and scalp problems can make you lose your sleep! Various hair and scalp issues like hair fall, hair loss etc are all responsible for a person’s loss of self-confidence. Hair fall or alopecia is a medical term for hair loss or baldness from some or all areas of the body, mainly scalp. It begins with one or more small, round, sooth uncovered patches on the scalp and can advance to add up to scalp balding or finish body hair loss.

We understand that in today’s competitive world, your looks matter the most to score that extra edge over others. This is where we can really contribute by offering baldness treatment in Delhi to all your hair loss problems by the Best Hair Doctor in Delhi and giving you a complete makeover so that your every stride is full of confidence. We are a highly acclaimed clinic for your hair care and growth that makes use of systematic and scientific methods to restore your hair.

We are one of the top clinics in baldness treatment in Delhi having doctors, physicians and surgeons with years of experience and vast knowledge in the field of dermatology and hair restoration techniques and their expertise will surely help you in treating any degree of baldness.

Are You looking for Best Hair Doctor in Delhi ? Come, VISIT US

At Dr Suruchi Puri’s Skin Hair & Laser Clinic, all our services are custom designed to offer the best and most advanced treatment available in skin care worldover.

Consult the Best Hair Doctor in Delhi : +91 9868080340

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