Dr. Suruchi Puri

The Importance Of Medi-Facials And Skin Care: Insights from the Best Skin Doctor in Delhi

The Importance Of Medi-Facials And Skin Care: Insights from the Best Skin Doctor in Delhi

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it is not easy to keep your skin healthy and glowing. However, maintaining healthy skin is not just about aesthetics; it’s essential for overall well-being. Dermatologist in Janakpuri Delhi, emphasize the significance of medifacials and consistent skincare routines in achieving and maintaining healthy, radiant skin. Why Medi-Facials […]

7 Types Of Facial Treatments That Will Restore Your Skin’s Glow

7 Types Of Facial Treatments That Will Restore Your Skin’s Glow

In today’s fast-paced world, our skin often bears the brunt of stress, pollution, and other environmental factors, leading to dullness, acne, and premature aging. Fortunately, advancements in dermatological treatments offer a number of solutions to rejuvenate and restore the skin’s natural glow. Benefits of Facial Treatments by Dr. Suruchi Puri, Dermatologist in Janakpuri Medi-facial treatments […]

Sun Protection 101: Essential Tips from Dr. Suruchi Puri for healthy skin.

Sun Protection 101: Essential Tips from Dr. Suruchi Puri for healthy skin.

Summer brings fun in the sun, but it also calls for smart sun protection to keep your skin healthy and radiant. While sunshine gives us vitamin D and makes us feel happy, too much can cause sunburn, wrinkles, and even skin cancer. By taking care and being cautious, we can enjoy the sun while keeping […]

Navigating Eczema: Tips and Treatments for Managing Flare-Ups

Navigating Eczema: Tips and Treatments for Managing Flare-Ups

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition characterized by redness, itchiness, and inflamed patches of skin. While it can be challenging to manage, understanding the triggers and implementing effective treatments can help alleviate symptoms and improve the quality of life for those affected. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore various tips […]

The Power of Chemical Peels: Dr. Suruchi Puri’s Guide to Skin Resurfacing

The Power of Chemical Peels: Dr. Suruchi Puri's Guide to Skin Resurfacing

Understanding Chemical Peels The chemical peels procedure involves the application of a chemical solution to your skin, causing controlled exfoliation and subsequent regeneration. The depth of penetration and strength of the peel varies based on the specific concerns being addressed and the individual’s skin type. The skin specialist in Delhi, Dr. Suruchi Puri emphasizes the […]

Hyperpigmentation: Causes and Its Treatment

Hyperpigmentation: Causes and Its Treatment

Hyperpigmentation is a very common skin concern that darkens a particular area more than others. Extra melanin causes dark patches of colours like brown, black, pink, and red. Hyperpigmentation doesn’t cause any discomfort like pain and itchiness, but it can make a person uncomfortable and self-conscious. Various lifestyle changes and treatments can help you to […]

Dermaplaning: Benefits And Its Side Effects

Dermaplaning: Benefits And Its Side Effects

The top layers of your skin are removed by shaving during a minimally invasive process called dermaplaning. It may lessen the visibility of skin pitting or acne scars. For hair removal that is not desired, some people receive dermaplaning. What is Dermaplaning? A less invasive cosmetic procedure for your skin is known as dermaplaning. Your […]

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