Dr. Suruchi Puri

Skin Cancer: Types And its Warning Signs

Skin cancer develops when UV radiation exposure alters the growth pattern of skin cells. New skin lumps or patches, as well as modifications to the size, form, or colour of existing skin growths, are examples of symptoms. If detected early, the majority of skin cancers are treatable. Mohs surgery, cryotherapy, chemotherapy, and radiation are among the available treatments.

What do you mean by Skin Cancer?

The development of aberrant cells in the tissues of your skin is the cause of skin cancer. Normally, new skin cells develop to replace ageing and dying skin cells. Cells proliferate more quickly when this process isn’t functioning properly, such as after being exposed to ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun. These cells could be benign, meaning they don’t spread or do damage. Or perhaps they are malignant.

If skin cancer is not detected in its early stages, it may spread to surrounding tissue or areas of other parts of your body. Thankfully, most cases of skin cancer are curable if detected and treated quickly. Thus, it’s crucial to consult your skin specialist in Janakpuri if you suspect any skin cancer symptoms.

Types of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer can be of three primary types:

  • A type of cancer known as basal cell carcinoma develops in the basal cells located in the lower layer of the epidermis or outer layer of skin.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma is a condition that develops in the outer layer of your skin’s squamous cells.
  • Melanoma: It is a type of skin cancer that develops in the cells called melanocytes. The brown pigment called melanin, which gives your skin its colour and shields it from some of the sun’s harmful UV rays, is produced by melanocytes. Because it has the potential to spread to other parts of your body, this is the most dangerous kind of skin cancer.

Symptoms And Causes of Skin Cancer

Changes to your skin, usually in the form of new growths or modifications to existing moles or growths, are the most prevalent warning signs of skin cancer. Symptoms of skin cancer include:

  • A fresh mole. Or a mole that bleeds varies in size, form, or colour.
  • An ear, neck, or facial lump that is pearly or waxy.
  • A flat lump or patch that is coloured pink, crimson, or brown.
  • Spots on your body that resemble scars.
  • Crusty-looking, centrally depressed, or frequently bleeding sores.
  • A wound or sore that won’t heal or that heals but occurs again.
  • A rough, scaly wound that may bleed, itchy, and crust over.

What does that skin cancer look like?

Depending on the type of skin cancer you have, it can seem different. Applying the ABCDE rule helps you identify the following warning signs:

  • An irregular shape is asymmetry.
  • Border: Unevenly formed or fuzzy edges.
  • Colour: Mole with several colours.
  • Diameter: 6 millimetres, larger than the rubber on a pencil.
  • Evolution: Growing larger, altering in size, colour, or form. (This is the most significant indicator.)


Make an appointment and show your skin specialist in Janakpuri any skin lesions or moles that worry you. After examining your skin, they can advise you to visit a dermatologist in Janakpuri Delhi to have the lesion further assessed.

What leads to the illness?

Overexposure to sunlight, especially when blistering and sunburned, it is the primary cause of having skin cancer. UV radiation from the sun oxidise DNA in your skin, leading to the formation of aberrant cells. These aberrant cells divide erratically and quickly, resulting in a mass of cancerous cells.

How is a diagnosis of skin cancer made?

Initially, a dermatologist in Janakpuri Delhi can inquire about any changes you’ve observed to any moles, freckles, or other skin spots that are already there, as well as any new skin growths. After that, they’ll check every inch of your skin, including the areas between your toes, around your genitalia, between your buttocks, scalp, ears, palms of your hands, soles of your feet and between them.

Which examinations are planned to identify skin cancer?

Your skin specialist in Janakpuri Delhi might take a biopsy if they think you have skin cancer. During a biopsy, a pathologist removes a sample of tissue and sends it to a lab for microscopic examination. Your dermatologist in Janakpuri Delhi will identify the type of skin cancer in your lesion, as well as provide information on available treatments.

Is it possible to prevent skin cancer?

Skin cancer is mostly preventable. Reducing your exposure to sunshine and sunburns is the best defence against sunburns. Sunlight’s UV rays cause damage to your skin, which can eventually result in skin cancer.

When should I visit my skin specialist in Janakpuri?

As soon as you detect anything of the following, schedule a visit with a dermatologist in Janakpuri Delhi or skin specialist in Janakpuri:

  • Any alterations to the colour, size, or form of moles or other skin lesions that are already present on you.
  • The emergence of a fresh skin growth.
  • A wound that refuses to heal.
  • Distinct patches on your skin from others.
  • Any areas that bleed, itch, or alter.


Your Skin doctor in Delhi will examine your skin, perform a biopsy if necessary, diagnose you, and go over your course of care. A complete skin review should also be done annually by your dermatologist in Janakpuri Delhi.

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